Counting Down - 14 Weeks more before Craze Ultra Marathon

Wednesday 25 May 2016

The special priority registration for Craze Ultra is opened! And I have registered for the event once again!

This would be my third time running this event. The first being a 78km race that I completed successfully. However, I failed to complete my maiden 101km last year. I was not beaten by last year's failure as I had inadequate preparation. Instead, the failure motivated me to be more determined to re-attempt and complete the full 101km this year. 

I will attempt to log down my training journey from now till the event day. My running fellas...stay tune to check out on my training journey for this event!


To prepare for 2016 race, I knew I must seek medical clearance for my sprained ankle. Thankfully, the medical doctor examined and concluded that there was no bone fracture, but I would be required to go for several physiotherapy sessions before commencement of any training. Honestly, these sessions were rather torturous but they indeed helped me to regain more strength and flexibility. After a few months,  I was finally able to run/jog some mileage on the road.

I have been working hard to condition my body. By now, I have regained much of my fitness. I self assess my current my fitness level to be around 60-70% of what I used to have. I need to train smarter and harder to regain all of it.

I am hoping to progress and achieve sufficient training for my 101km event by September.

Cya during the race.


Replacing Garmin FR 620 Straps (DIY)

Monday 16 May 2016

It is a common issue for our Garmin GPS watchstraps to give way after some time. And it might be expensive to replace it thru the local Garmin representatives. According to sgrunners forum's post, the cost to replace a FR 620 strap ranges from $55 ~ $60). Mine gave way a fews week ago and I replaced it myself. This post accounts for my step-by-step guide on how I replaced my Garmin watchstraps. 

Step 1 - Purchase the strap online. You might want to buy it thru Taobao as it seems to be much cheaper.

Step 2 - Wait for the new strap to be delivered (3 ~ 4 weeks).

Step 3 - Lay out your new straps, screws and screw drivers. 

Step 4 - Remove Straps by removing the screws.

Step 5 - Install the new straps and tighten the screws.

Done. Watch is now useable once again :)

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