Setting 2019 Resolutions

Monday 7 January 2019

According to Forbes, studies have shown that less than 25% of people actually stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% accomplish them.

So did I achieve my set objectives for 2018? Not all, but I am contented with the outcomes. 
  • To lose 5 kg by Jun (lost 5kg in 2017 and will try to lose another 5 in 2018). [Only manage to lose 2kg but rebounded during the festive year end]
  • To train and retain Gold Grade for IPPT (Apr). [Achieved]
  • To participate and complete Craze Ultra 101km (Sep) within 20H. [Achieved PB 18H]
  • To participate and complete an overseas/local marathon at 5:30H? (TBC) [Only manage to complete at 5:37H]
So perhaps setting too many resolutions might have diluted my focus and commitments.... So for 2019, I will be setting 2 goals for this year. Hopefully  I can achieve them (and also achieve weight lost and gold standards along the way).
  • To clock a PB for my marathon [aiming to run faster than (1) 4:19H (overseas), or 5:14H (local PB)].
  • To finish Craze Ultra marathon... if possible FASTER & STRONGER that previous year, if not, completing it will still be fine to me :)

Running in London & Paris 2018 & 2019

Running is said to be a great way to sightsee cities. 

While we were in London and Paris, I managed to find some time to do two quick runs in both cities.
Sharing my videos captured using my GoPro Hero. 

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